Practitioner Training
Join the category of
conscious beauty professionals that offer wellness-focused
beauty services.

The next class meets in 2022
Sign up for the waitlist and get early access to enrollment.
Beauty service work is healing work.
It can also be physically, mentally, and energetically demanding. You’ve worked hard to be booked solid and no one told you that once you arrive, it’s actually not sustainable. It is draining to work 8 or more hours straight, feeling and reading people’s energy, dodging backroom drama and doing it all in a busy hectic work environment.
Are you:
Feeling burned out?
Feeling like your mental and physical health is being negatively impacted by your job?
Wanting to offer more to your clients?
On a financial plateau?
Ready for a change?
Do you:
Have an interest in health and wellness?
Sense energy?
Have a desire to transform your client’s inner beauty as well as outer beauty?
Want to increase your income?
Want to use your work in beauty to uplift and change the world?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you've come to the right place.
Becoming an Embeautyment Practitioner
Deliver beauty and wellness to your clients.
Transform your clients in mind, body and spirit using the 19 Embeautyment Method practices. Strengthen your business and deepen your client relationships by offering one-of-a-kind beauty experiences.
Re-ignite your career.
And not just for the short-term, but for the long haul with vitality, purpose, and serving the greater good. Get ready to earn more, and be deeply engaged because of your Embeautyment practice.
Connect with a like-minded community.
It can feel thrilling to be a wellness trailblazer, it can also feel isolating. The connections you make won’t end after the training. This community is here to support you on your Embeautyment journey. Remember - there's we in wellness.

What attendees are saying

Created by Nicole Cichocki, The Embeautyment Method integrates wellness with beauty through a set of 19 practices. It is a holistic approach to beauty that will empower you to create services, products, and/or daily routines that result in mind, body, and spirit, health and ultimately healing.
MIND beauty
Thoughts and emotions rooted in positivity, compassion, and resilience that lead us to cause pleasure for ourselves and others.

Cultivating positive thoughts and stories about beauty.

Placing focus on what’s right about us and applying our unique value everyday.

Showing tenderness and consideration towards ourselves and others.

Feeling and/or expressing appreciation or thanks.

Growing awareness by paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally.

Taking the learner’s path by using curiosity and effort to accomplish goals and overcome obstacles.
BODY beauty
Actions inspired by self-care, vitality and nourishment that align our innermost nature with our outer expression.

Consumption that fuels the body and is motivated by love.

Getting the amount of sleep it takes to renew and refresh your whole being.

Creating energetic harmony and flow that sustains mind, body, spirit vitality.

Cultivating a consistent and enjoyable movement practice motivated by body gratitude.

Adding mindfulness, loving-intention and gratitude to beauty care.

Blending wellness causing practices with current beauty care.
SPIRIT beauty
Transcendence from the limitations of physical beauty through cultivating meaning, creativity, and connections to self, community, and a higher power.

Offering skills, talents and abilities in order to improve the welfare of others.

Developing potential in people and processes.

Going inward through meditation, journaling or any other self-prescribed practice.

Lifting up, connecting, and supporting the wellness of the people around you.

Connecting to something greater than yourself.

Creating freely, with compassion, curiosity, and an open mind.

Engaging in activities that are fun, care-free, and have no outcome.
Embeautyment Practitioner Training
This training will teach you how to offer wellness-focused beauty services utilizing the 19 Embeautyment Method practices.
WHERE: Online
WHEN: LIVE Sessions are generally held on 3 consecutive Mondays.
There will also be self-paced virtual lessons in-between the LIVE sessions.
WHO: It’s for hairdressers, makeup artists, estheticians and anyone working in beauty service looking to implement wellness into their service offerings.
INVESTMENT: $1197 (pay in full or 3 payments of $399 or 6 payments of $199)
Week 1: Develop yourself as an Embeautyment practitioner.
Build a strong foundation of self-care that your Embeautyment practice will grow from.
Identify and clear negative beauty narratives to enable healing conversations about beauty with yourself and clients
Leverage your innate talent and strengths to reach your potential
Course Objectives:
Week 2: Learn the 4 step process to the Embeautyment service.
Prepare before and process after engaging with clients.
Strengthen your consultations through verbal, physical, and energetic, communication skills
Apply basic energy therapy skills so that you can stay grounded, not pick up unwanted energy, and avoid feeling drained
Week 3: Design your Embeautyment practice.
Craft your Embeautyment service and plan of action so that you can immediately begin offering increased wellbeing to your clients and community
Articulate your Embeautyment offerings to draw in your ideal clientelle
Create more financial wellbeing through intentional pricing and scheduling

FREE Bonus!
When you sign up early you automatically gain access to
The Embeautyment Method Virtual Course.
(a $297value)
Deepen your knowledge and sustain your wellbeing through this exploration of the Embeautyment Method pillars, promises and practices.

Imagine how you will feel when you finish this training and:
Stand out in the industry by being on the forefront of the conscious category that is emerging in beauty service
Offer more to your clients all while deepening relationships and increasing client retention
Be a part of a supportive community of conscious beauty professionals
Have increased vitality and improved health
Experience higher levels of engagement professionally and personally
Find deep meaning and purpose in your work
Enhance your creative abilities
Avoid burnout and overcome obstacles with greater ease
Receive ongoing support, development, and community
​Once you become an Embeautyment Practitioner you gain access to:
Quarterly Zoom calls = with guest speakers + interactive sessions + a focus on applying the Embeautyment practices
Opportunities to join practitioner only education, mastermind groups, and retreats
A bio page on the Embeautyment Practitioner Directory
Up to date Embeautyment marketing materials
Access to the online Embeautyment Community​